Hello there ❧

You’ve stumbled upon the virtual holding place for writer & poet Caitlin Ellis’ newsletter/open journal/community hub. So nice to see you here! This is a newsletter dedicated to exploring creative identity, the beauty of art and literature, and the evolving state of what it means to be an individual pursuing a creative career in our modern world. In short,

Ruminations is the culmination of far too much brooding and a fervent love of the literary arts.

Things one can expect from this publication include:

  • monthly newsletters with personal updates & recommendations

  • musings on writing, literature, language, and identity

  • book reviews

  • exclusive author updates, and

  • poetry, of course

All delivered directly to your mailbox with my love & a touch of existential dread.

Ruminations is free to read!

Ruminations is free for everyone to read, however, future writing projects and behind-the-scenes content will be available for paying subscribers xx

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Caitlin Ellis is a 23-year-old poet born and raised on Whadjuk Noongar Country (Perth, Western Australia). Her lifelong fascination with the written word has culminated in her passion for poetry and the freedom it allows to subvert traditional literary conventions.

Caitlin’s work examines the mundane and the morbid, candidly dissecting concepts of identity, growth, trauma, and transformation with an implacable focus on highlighting that which is curious and beautiful.

Worm Food and Bone Sand (2023) is her debut poetry collection.

For all inquiries, please contact Caitlin here.

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Vulnerable musings on art, literature, and creative identity for writers & ruminators alike ❧


writer & poet examining the mundane and morbid. candid musings on concepts of identity, growth, trauma, and transformation with an implacable focus on highlighting that which is curious and beautiful. author of WORM FOOD AND BONE SAND (2022)