To note : How interior must one go? What if the 'accidental alter' (love that connotation by the by) is You?

"Susan Close considers the idea of the interiors of one’s space as a mise-en-scene"

I hone all too close to encircling the 'interior interior'... am I all too 'closed in'? Or, is it in this 'closed capacity' of my own form that encapsulates what I am expressing, or finding expression in?

As my writing and creating spaces are public spaces - particularly at home, I have no private mise-en-scene to call my own... all I write and create - and the process there in - is prone - always - to direct witness... so, this revelatory brings to awareness...

"I must hold to my own interior" Thus, the interior becomes my "Sacred Space" of creation - binding me to what creative process I would enact outworldy - flowing through me in-worldly.

I only have the landscape of my being to hold 'the private scenery' of my arts.

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Interior spaces hold great power—as Woolf once said:

“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”

Many artists have worked publicly; Jane Austen, for one, wrote in her family’s sitting room and wrote her stories in ways that could be easily hidden from guests. Where the private and public coalesce is of great interest to me, and I believe interior spaces truly are just as sacred as our exterior ones.

Thank your for taking the time to share your reflection Jacob 🖤

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So so excited for this! I can’t imagine writing anywhere else but my studio and I love having a peek into the mental spaces of other artists :)

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Jul 26Liked by Caitlin Ellis

This is so true!!

I work as an artisan for a handbag brand, and I can really feel the difference between working in our atelier and in a factory.

The same thing goes for my personal projects at home, trying to make my art space to be part of the creative process.

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Oh how cool!

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What an exciting project. Something you might enjoy:


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Oh that looks sooo good!! Thanks for sharing it with me

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Jul 24Liked by Caitlin Ellis

I’m about to finally move into a place with a study so I will finally have my own writing space 🥹 so ready for all the inspo hehe

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Oooh how exciting!! And absolutely 🫡

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So interesting! I've been using The Poetics of Space as a reference point to explore personal experiences with homelessness. If you don't mind me plugging myself, you can read about it here: https://patchworkprinciple.substack.com/p/whats-in-the-attic-part-1

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Oh amazing, thank you for sharing! I’ve just saved it to read later 🫶🏽

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Jul 23Liked by Caitlin Ellis

loved this !!

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Jul 23Liked by Caitlin Ellis

Ahhhh I’m so excited for this

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Yay!! I can’t wait to beginnnn

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Jul 22Liked by Caitlin Ellis

Bravo 👏 I just stumbled upon your blog and you’re work is so insightful and informative! Thank you!

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Jul 22Liked by Caitlin Ellis

i am so excited for this series!!

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Ahh I’m so glad!! Stay tuneddd

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ooh can’t wait!!

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Jul 21Liked by Caitlin Ellis

What a pleasure to read! During my MA in literary studies this year, I had the privilege to meet Prof. Anne Reverseau who leads a research projects on how authors handle images in their creative process. The project's current exhibition is all about the pictures in writers' writing spaces. It was so inspiring, I feel it would be a shame to not share it here :D https://museel.be/fr/exposition/murs-dimages-decrivains

Have a nice day!

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Omg thank you SO much for sharing this, I can’t wait to look through it later today!!

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Congratulations on launching a new series! For now, I write mostly in cafés, but I certainly dream of having my own little studio/corner some day

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Thank you Monika!! I love cafes too, sometimes my desk almost feels too claustrophobic so cafes are my go to for immersing myself in the world again

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this is such an exciting series omg!! can't wait!

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Ahhh I'm so glad!! Hope you enjoyyy

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Jul 21Liked by Caitlin Ellis

your writing desk is a dream!! 🤍📖

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Thank you!! I’m so lucky :’)

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I’m so glad!! Welcome 🫶🏽

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