Feb 26Liked by Caitlin Ellis

i love that i get to be an artist along side you and learn from you and REBEL with you <3 cheers to slow, delicious art that sustains the soul 🥂✨

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oh yes, cheers to that 🥂🖤

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Feb 25Liked by Caitlin Ellis

I loved every single second of reading this. You touched on things I, and many of my creative friends, have been thinking about for what feels like forever at this point, and you brought a sense of peace and purpose to the discussion. Thank you for bringing clarity and inspiration to what can sometimes be a very exhausting and conflicting space!

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What a sweet comment, thank you Avni!! I’m glad it resonated and that I’m not alone in navigating this conundrum

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This is art philosophy. Such beautiful words, and so many amazing points — art really is a labour of love, and despite the overwhelming need to bend to capitalism and ‘selling out’, we pour our hearts into our works.

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I must confess, some of the zeal behind this piece is fuelled by the fact that I’m halfway through your book right now and the punk angst is taking hold

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“…to question the gaps together.“ Yes! Love this piece, so beautiful.

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Thank you Trivarna xx

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From the very first paragraph I could entirely relate with what you were saying. Cheap dopamine has really decreased our attention span. I'm not the kind of person who keeps looking for validation for their writing, but its really annoying that I have to shape my writing all because of TRENDS and likes of SOCIAL MEDIA.

Writing used to be something sacred. Poetry used to mean something. People used to spend days trying to understand a single poem. All that has changes. These days, people want everything fast. If your writing does not offer a solution in the first paragraph, chances are the viewer won't read it.

You're right, the world is cruel...but we're artists. So I guess we have to keep going...and do what we do.

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I think part of our job as artists is to remind people of the joy that can be found in poems and paintings, of the value in teasing a story apart. We do have to keep going, and I think we also need to try to lead by example and inspire others to engage in art differently to social media. Thank you for your reply, Husain, you’ve left me with more to reflect on.

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Thank you Caitlin for this essay ! As the others who comments i agree. I am thinking about my relation to my arts, to my public ans how to deal between the rules of our capitalist ans consumerist world and my values ?

I am exhausted by the idea of doing and creating just to "feed" the platforms and social media. I think i rather do things by my rules ans not making money but be true honest and working on the long run.

In short, we are on the same journey, even it's hard, we are not alone ! We need to not losing hope, searching for new way of bringing our art to people :)

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It is exhausting, isn’t it? But it’s honest work, and it’s so so worth it. The world needs our art.

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Mar 3Liked by Caitlin Ellis

I feel like this is what my soul wanted to hear,thank you🤍🤎

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I’m glad it reached you 🖤

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oh my goodness i've just logged on to post my own essay and it feels like a sister to this one. i'm very glad it's not just me stuck in this cycle of distain towards capitalism and it's effect on artists. i share your point of view so strongly. great essay as usual xx

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Thank you!! I'll have to read yours asap then

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A beautiful read. The way you put sentences together is an exhale ❤️


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That’s such a beautiful description, thank you Tess 🫶🏽

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Feb 25Liked by Caitlin Ellis

This is so beautifully written. You know what I'm going to quote you someday. Your lines are so simple yet majestic

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Thank you Areeba 🥹

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